MoneySmart Investment Group referral system

Our referral system offers you the opportunity to benefit from reduced commissions, maximize your returns and making money by inviting other investors to join our community.

How It Works

When you refer other investors to MoneySmart Investment Group, you add them to your network. Any investor referred by you, as well as those they refer in turn, and so on, are part of your network.

Referral System Benefits

Commission Reductions

Every balance from each member in your network contributes to reducing the commissions you owe to MoneySmart Investment Group. The larger your network, the lower the commissions, down to a minimum of 10%.

Increased Growth

By expanding your network, you also increase the total value considered for calculating commission reductions. This increase in the total value considered can lead to larger gains and faster growth of your investments, thanks to a proportional decrease in the commissions you need to pay.

Financial Solidarity

By inviting other investors to join our community, you contribute to creating a network of solidarity where everyone can benefit from each other's successes and where we work together to achieve our financial goals. This financial solidarity strengthens our community and promotes collective growth.

How to start

To start benefiting from our referral program, simply invite other investors to join MoneySmart Investment Group using your unique referral link. Once they sign up, they will automatically become part of your network. As they start investing, they will contribute to the growth of your Total Balance and the reduction of your commissions.

Referral process and commission calculation

Referral is an optional but highly rewarding feature that can significantly expedite the earning process for our members. When you refer other investors to MoneySmart Investment Group, you create a network of interconnected members. Each time a member in your network earns gains, a portion of those gains is deducted as commissions. Through referrals, these commissions can be substantially reduced, providing you with the opportunity to generate additional earnings on the commissions paid by members of your network.

Commission Discounts

Commissions calculation is based on the Total Wallet value, which includes both your own Personnal Wallet and those of all members in your network. As your network expands, the Total Wallet value considered for commission calculation increases.

Definition of terms used:

  • Member = Active Member account
  • Referred Member = A Member who have been referred by a Member, as well as all others resulting from this referring
  • Virtual Wallet = A buffer wallet that gives the real value of the member's assets available for withdrawals or to transfer into the strategies offered
  • Active Wallet = An active wallet, that is, a wallet that is in use or accessible for transactions or strategy
  • Total Member Balance = Total value of the personal Virtual Wallet + Total value of personal Active Wallet
  • Network Balance = Total value of the Referred Members Virtual Wallet + Total value of Referred Members Active Wallet
  • Total Balance = Member Total Balance + Member Network Balance

Commissions are calculated based on the Total Balance, defined as follows:

  • Base rate of 30% on each gain.
  • When the Total Balance reaches $10,000, an automatic reduction of 0.0002% will be deducted per $1 added until a minimum of 10% in commissions.

Therefore, to qualify for a commission reduction to 10%, members must reach and keep a minimum total balance of $100,000. Once this threshold is reached and keeped, the commission rate is adjusted to the minimum of 10%, thus offering significant benefits to members who manage to develop their Total Balance to this level. This reduction in commissions serves as a powerful incentive for members to expand their network and increase their Total Balance, which can lead to increased financial growth and larger gains on their investments.

Earning system from commissions

We are working on the development of an earning system from commissions. This section will be updated when it is ready.

Important Note

The benefits of the referral program are cumulative and are added to any other commission discounts you may receive based on your Total Personal Balance. Totals are updated dynamically, both upward and downward, meaning that commission discounts and commission earnings generation are adjusted in real-time to reflect changes in your portfolio value. Feel free to contact our team if you have any questions about how the referral program works or how to use it to maximize your earnings.