Real Estate Management

This entire project section is currently under reassessment due to regulations.

Real Estate Management


Sale of property or land, primarily in Bali. Whether it's our own properties or those of others.


Purchase of property or land, primarily in Bali.
Single Owner: We offer interested investors the opportunity to purchase one or more properties through us.
Shared Ownership: We offer investors the opportunity to buy properties as a group. In this arrangement, MSIG manages the owners, and each investor will be on the deed according to the pre-established conditions at the time of signing the purchase contract.


Rental of property or land, primarily in Bali. Whether it's our own properties or those of others.
Single Tenant: We offer interested investors the opportunity to rent one or more properties through us.
Shared Tenants: We offer investors the opportunity to rent properties as a group. In this arrangement, MSIG manages the tenants, and each investor will be on the lease according to the pre-established conditions at the time of signing the rental contract.

Property Management

Web Management

Managing registrations on rental sites

Calendar Management

Managing availability scheduling from rental sites to ensure smooth rentals

Financial Management

Comprehensive financial management of real estate portfolios

Expense Management

Managing expenses related to properties, whether personal or rental

Advertising Management

Ensuring good visibility of available assets

Customer Service

Handling customer queries and complaints

Property Maintenance

Ventilation Ducts

Cleaning and maintenance of ventilation ducts and air conditioning systems

Pool Maintenance

Ensuring maintenance and cleaning.


Taking care of lawn, plants, and trees.
Cleaning of dead leaves.


Cleaning of rooms and common areas. Laundry of bedding and towels.